Over the past 4 days Seniors at Natrona County High School listened to the Jae’s Foundation story, then received a pair of cowboy boots. Jae’s foundation seeks to help those who have been affected by suicide and suicidal thoughts. Their Senior Boots are meant to show all the seniors they are loved during this difficult transition period.
Before the experience many students were unsure of the connection between cowboy boots and mental health, but during the program it was cleared up for many. “It was nice to hear Jay’s story and then be able to see the real connection between the boots and the story because so many of us didn’t know how they connected when we went in,” said senior Miranda VanTassel.
Mental Health is a growing concern in Wyoming as it has one of the highest suicide rates in country according to the CDC. Suicide is something that most in Wyoming can relate to one way or another. “I think the story hit really close to a lot of people at home with a lot of people and I know a lot of people were affected by it but everyone thought it was a really cool thing. Everyone thought that what they were doing is really important and I think most people are really excited and happy to be able to be part of it,” said VanTassel.
The feelings experienced weren’t limited to excitement. “My experience was emotional but touching. I think other kids learned from it because the foundation was very serious about it and when I was in the room you could tell people were paying attention and some were sad but I do think the message was heard and it hit home to some people,” said senior Dylan Genzler.