Reality Shifting Part 2

Atom illustration

Pictured left is a visualization of the subatomic world. Reality Shifting involves causing changes at the subatomic level.

Ashlyn Cooper, Reporter

This is the second of a two part series.

If reality shifting seems hard to understand, know that it involves physics as well as quantum mechanics. According to Seth Lloyd, a mechanical engineer physicist, “Quantum Mechanics is weird, funky and strange.” In an interview on Quantum Mechanical Biology at the World Science Fair, multiple physicists and biologists explained how organisms can take advantage of the quantum world in different ways. One example is birds. Many physicists, including Seth Lloyd, Paul Davis and Thorsten Ritz, have found that bird migration should not be as normalized as it is. They found that birds were able to migrate by seeing and using the Earth’s magnetic field in a quantum way. This shows the possibility of humans using the quantum world to their advantage because other organisms do. 

One reason some physicists, including Sean Carroll, believe the many worlds theory, is because of understanding entanglement. Entanglement can be considered the telepathic connection between two particles with no physical connection that physicists know of. Entanglement shows evidence for the many worlds theory because different realities could be connected in a way beyond what humans understand. Shifting Realities is transferring one state of consciousness to a different vibrational frequency. The other theory discussed of possible realities existing is the hyperspace theory. This theory explains how beyond the atomic level, there are spaces that we cant see, simply because they are too small. Physicists think that this space could consist of these realities because this space would be Dark Energy. About 70% of the known universe is made up of dark energy, about 20% is made of dark matter and about 5% is made of normal matter, although no physicist actually knows what dark energy is. Normal matter would be all liquids, solids and gasses in the known universe. 

One advantage physicists, and some marvel movies, have done to take advantage of the quantum world is the Quantum Computer. Without too much detail, the idea of this computer is that there would be so many informational possibilities at one time that, “The number of different possibilities is more than the number of particles in the entire universe.”, according to Bill Phillips, a quantum physicist. 

Some people aren’t aware that the subconscious mind and the conscious mind are very different from each other. Dr. Bruce Lipton at Stanford University Medical Center works on The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. He shares that “Most people don’t even acknowledge that their subconscious mind is at play when the fact is, it’s a million times more powerful than the conscious mind”. While the conscious mind is more connected with direct physical/ emotional feelings, thoughts and memories, the subconscious mind holds all of those factors in a deeper way outside of conscious awareness. Intentional beliefs are also affected by the subconscious mind and the mind will limit itself based on what it believes. For someone to experience Reality Shifting, they have to truly believe in it, as cliche as that may sound. Mr. Swenson, a Psychology teacher at NCHS says “Refer to the Buddha’s phrase, ‘What we think, we shall become’.”  

 Owen Gingerich, a professor of astronomy and the history of science at Harvard University, has stated “The human brain is by far the most complex physical object known to us in the entire cosmos.” Fully understanding how the human mind works, is very hard to do and might not be possible. However in some cases, people can observe the mind in order to take advantage of some concepts. Such as methods in quantum jumping. Methods are a modern way of getting the brain into a mindset that allows consciousness to “take over”. Methods help turn logical parts of the brain “off”, while the creative parts of the brain become heightened; similar to dreaming. Methods can help the mind involve creativity and curiosity more, in order to make limiting beliefs vanish, although they are not needed and there is no right or wrong way to use them. There are many different types of methods, but some include subliminals and  meditation. Although meditation can be considered boring, or to just calm the mind, it can also be a way to help experience some concepts, like reality shifting. 

    Overall, there is a lot of information about Reality Shifting and the experiences. It’s recommended for people interested in more to do personal research. Who knows maybe there are other realities and universes existing as you read this.