8 ways to spot a freshmen

Aiden Foley, reporter

We all know and recognize a freshman. They’re easy to spot, but in case you don’t know, here are some pointers on how to find one in a crowd. Not all freshmen fit the stereotypes depicted below, but a majority of them do. We’ve all been freshmen in our lives, we were all like this at one point, and this list goes for all of us. When we were freshmen, we did ALL of these things. (Don’t pretend you didn’t do at least one of the things on this list).

More than likely wearing the latest trend or participating
Once there’s something trending, it spreads and goes viral almost instantaneously, so it makes sense a lot of the younger high school students such as the freshmen like to partake in most of the trends in order to feel more included in school.

Loud and full of energy:
Since they are still young and they don’t have to worry about work and money, they are a lot less exhausted than upperclassmen. They in general, have to worry a lot less.

A majority of them still think high school is going to be easy:
They went from elementary school and middle school where the grades weren’t as important and crucial compared to high school.

They always forget their IDs:
In middle school, they didn’t require IDs to get into the school, so now that they’re in high school, they’re not used to bringing it and always forget it.

They think ditching is cool:
Some aren’t used to block scheduling with classes as long as 90 minute classes, so instead they choose to not go to class because they can do so much more during that 90 minute period.

They always try to show off their music:
They always feel the need to show that they have really good music taste, their music is uncommon or both. Half the time though it’s more disruptive than anything.

They are rude to teachers and anyone with authority with no valid reason:
The teachers are just doing their job and when they correct the students, the freshmen get defensive and start defying the teachers and campus security. Even the smallest correction pushes them to make a scene. Half the time. though, they defy authority in front of their friends to make them look cool.

Very destructive and disrespect all property:
They don’t put into account that the custodians have to clean the whole building in the span of the day and they leave behind whole trays of food, milk cartons, wrappers, etc. and they never offer to clean it up. They leave it where it already was and go. Upperclassmen aren’t much better, but we don’t leave behind whole trays.