Groundhogs for Groundhog Day? (Face to Face)


Groundhog day is 135 years old. Groundhogs day started in 1887. It started in Europe, then German settlers brought the tradition to North America. This tradition has been cared for for decades. It was said that bears and badgers came out of hibernation on this day. Throughout the years, the badger was replaced with the groundhog. I believe that the groundhog fits the holiday in several ways.
The biggest reason a groundhog should stay the animal for groundhogs day is tradition. The holiday has been shaped and named around the animal for the last 135 years. Also, the holiday doesn’t have much meaning, except for tradition.
The tradition is that the groundhog comes out of hibernation on February 2. This scientifically happens because animals can’t store food that long, and that’s when they get more. Supposedly, the groundhogs determine if spring is here or not. If the groundhog comes out on a sunny day and sees it’s own shadow, then there will be six weeks or more until winter. If it’s a cloudy day and he doesn’t see his shadow, then it is said to be an early spring. I believe this is a fun way to start getting into the spring spirit. The groundhog is the best animal for this task because they live in burrows and the holiday is based around an animal coming out of its hole to see its shadow.
Punxsutawney Phil, Pennsylvania’s famous groundhog, is the known groundhog for groundhog’s day. Punxsutawney Phil spends his days in “Phil’s Burrow” (before known as “groundhog zoo”). It is a warm terrarium built into the Punxsutawney library.
How might we know if the groundhog sees its shadow? Well in Pennsylvania a bunch of men wearing suits, and top hats go pull the groundhog out of his hole. Then they read a scroll that the groundhog wrote, which tells them if spring is in six weeks or not.
In 2021 when Punxsutawney Phil emerged on a snowy Tuesday, he saw his shadow stating six more weeks of winter.



Groundhog-day is when a groundhog ( Punxsutawney Phil) comes out of its burrow looks for its shadow. If he sees his shadow, winter will persist for six more weeks, but if he doesn’t, spring is coming. Its purpose is to tell farmers if they should plant their crops or if they should wait. But the question begging to be asked, why a groundhog? Of all animals? It could be because they are “true hibernators”; they sleep so heavily that it’s almost impossible to wake them up. Groundhogs aren’t the only true hibernation animals, according to there are woodchucks( which is another name for groundhogs), ground squirrels and bats.
I just don’t understand how a groundhog is a better weather predictor than a squirrel. I’m guessing any of these animals aren’t good with weather, but a groundhog isn’t cuter than a squirrel. Why a groundhog anyways? If you look it up, all the Internet says is that it comes from a Dutch superstition, but what inspired it to be a groundhog? So many questions but so many are unanswerable. The interesting thing is how big the holiday is in its originating town, Punxsutawney in Pennsylvania. They have a parade, a special place for Phil the groundhog. The whole day is a big celebration for the town. Students get out of school, adults get out of work, the whole day is dedicated to Phil the groundhog, but I don’t think a groundhog is an appropriate choice for a weather determiner. I say, we choose a squirrel instead, I believe they’re a better fit.