Masks at Business

Employees and others protecting themselves during the pandemic

During covid-19 the population is encouraged to wear protection and distant themselves from others to decrease the spread of the virus. Many businesses are requiring employees to wear masks to prevent both employees and consumers from getting sick and or spreading the virus. Gatherings of up to 25 people or less have been allowed in Wyoming as of Wednesday May 13, 2020.

    According to some supermarkets in Wyoming request consumers to wear facial protection as well. Care locations and hospital employees must wear a mask no matter the circumstances, especially since they care for patients that have been tested positive. Not only seniors and others with weaker immune systems such as people with asthma or diabetes contract Covid-19.  Healthy people have been shown to be almost equally as likely to get the virus and pass away. Keeping people safe and healthy is the top priority during this time despite it being rough on many. 

    Both of my parents work in places that are high risk for Covid-19; my father works at a nursing home where they are required to sanitize and keep their face covered to keep them and the elders safe and taken care of. My mother works at a hospital as a nurse and she, along with others, must care for patients during this time as usual.

    After interviewing my father he gave his opinion, “In my opinion wearing masks isn’t that helpful. They don’t keep you from getting contaminated and wearing them for 12 hours isn’t any better, especially when they cover your face and it makes it difficult to breath, gets sweaty and irritates your skin. It’s a health requirement so we must wear them all shift, that’s my opinion.”

           Masks do not prevent a person from getting infected but slow the spread according to Cloth masks aren’t as effective as N-95 or surgical masks but are the best option for people as those masks are reserved for medical staff. Social distancing and limited contact help slow down the spread. According to a virus can survive on a surface from a few hours to several days. This can include clothing and objects if not cleaned.