Spring activities fill up the schedule of FFA and Agriculture
Shown is an aquarium just purchased for Agriculture students to learn about fish culturing.
March 18, 2022
With it being halfway through March, the FFA is held a meeting to discuss what they have done since the last meeting. With some big events coming up, the current president Kaitlynn Fleming called a meeting in the ag room at 6:30 pm on March 15th. The majority of people in FFA were present in the meeting.
Some of the main things talked about in the meeting were the contests that would be held at Casper College on March 26th. The contests include categories such as livestock, poultry, and vet science. For any member wanting to take part in contests they should be eligible by having no F’s in any classes by the time they leave for them.
Past events needing to be discussed included the labor auction, which raised over $20,000 dollars for FFA activities, giving the treasury $33,800 dollars for spending. Miranda Dickinson, the vice president, talked about the FFA camp that will be held in June with two sessions lasting from the 14th to the 18th for session one and the 21-25th for session two. According to Dickinson, “The camp gives great opportunities for getting leadership qualities.”
There was a meeting activity that had people split into 3 groups and had them practice finding good qualities in people. The members had cups they put their names on and received coins with compliments on them, showing what they did for the FFA. There were also refreshments that were available, including lucky charms and milk for the St. Patrick’s Day theme of the meeting.
A recent development in the Agriculture room was the arrival of a fish tank. Eggs arrived this week, and students will take care of the fish and measure the qualities of water each day to make sure it’s a healthy environment.
At the end of the meeting the member spotlight started and showcased two members that went above and beyond for agricultural activities. For the freshmen the person selected was Gage Brooks and for upperclassmen it was Rylee Guenther. The next meeting will be held on April 12th and will be about closing ceremonies.