NCHS athlete Katelynn Campbell signs letter of intent with Northwest College in Powell, WY

With the track team, coaches, parents, and friends watching, NCHS athlete Katelynn Campbell signed her letter of intent on Wednesday to play soccer for Northwest College in Powell, WY. 

When asked why she went with Northwest, Campbell explained “I was originally getting a couple of NIAI offers. This opportunity came up with a junior college, I’m not paying as much, and also just the coach. We clicked and he’s just an honest guy and he just pushes you to the best of your abilities.” She’s hoping to play center-back, “but any position would be fine with me,” Campbell said. 

Campbell is an all-around athlete that also loves to play basketball and tennis, but she explained she recognized soccer as her strength. She was a defensive midfielder for NC, and made all conference. She started for NC all four years. She hopes to study exercise science during her time at Northwest College.