NCHS students share Thanksgiving traditions
NCHS Students celebrate Thanksgiving in many ways. Some simply like the food, while others have unique traditions. “We play tetherball,” Dana Lopez says.
November 23, 2021
The smell of a freshly roasted turkey. The nip of cold air at your nose. A well lit house on a snowy night. All these things hint at festive holidays to come, including Thanksgiving. NCHS students like to spend time with their families and celebrate thanksgiving with food. Here are some of NCHS student’s favorite ways to celebrate:
Briley Mills, an NCHS senior, says that her favorite part of Thanksgiving is “Probably just eating food. Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes: pretty much all the normal stuff.” A traditional Thanksgiving dinner is also on the mind of Lily Wilkinson, an NCHS sophomore, who also enjoys celebrating Thanksgiving with food. Wilkinson says that her favorite part of Thanksgiving is “the food,” specifically pumpkin pie.
Although food is a major factor, so is “family,” says Dana Lopez, an NCHS sophomore, with a warm smile on her face. “We make food and do stuff outside.” Lopez shares that her family often celebrates Thanksgiving with a unique tradition. “We play tetherball,” Lopez says. This is just a sampling of NCHS students’ Thanksgiving traditions. There are many more ways that students celebrate, from family dinners to football games.
For example, Max Hick, a sophomore, says that her favorite Thanksgiving tradition is “I guess just staying home and watching movies.” NCHS have a wide range of Thanksgiving traditions, from eating food, to tetherball and horror movies. Students can take time this Thanksgiving to think about what traditions mean to them. At NCHS, students will celebrate the holiday with a special assembly.