NCHS Student Council hosts Homecoming Dance
October 22, 2021
NCHS Student Council worked hard to plan the 2021 homecoming dance. Though the homecoming dance is very visible, the process and planning that goes into it isn’t as much. In order to host an event of this size, Student Council starts planning far in advance. Yasmine Vega-Jerding, junior class president, stated “I made orders on the t-shirts last May and then last year, we started getting all those things set. Actual prep started over the summer. We had a couple of meetings and decided on a couple of things. And then, as soon as the school year started it was go time.”
This year’s homecoming theme was glow out. Glow sticks and glow in the dark paint were abundant as were white tee shirts. According to Vega-Jerding, this theme was chosen based on fundraising potential. Vega-Jerding says “so, there were a couple ideas up in the air and we thought that, another way to kinda fundraise, our original plan was to, we were going to sell the glowsticks, so, just like kinda another way to raise some more money, stuff like that, and we thought it’d be extra fun.”
Student council still had a long way to go from an idea once the theme was decided. Vega says “So, a lot of our work happened after school and during Mustang Connections I was purchasing the supplies.” Vega-Jerding mentioned that even with the supplies, it was still a lot of work. “There’s a lot of stuff like getting the decorations and actually prep everything I guess. A lot of the stuff went through Neely, a lot of the stuff had to go through Jenson, there was just a lot of stuff I guess,” Vega-Jerding said. After many months of prep, Student Council finally got to decorate the commons with neon paint, streamers, black paper, and balloons on October 19th after school. Though it was a lot of work, the finished product was a sight to behold.