The Learning Lab
Giving every student the chance to succeed even if they’re falling behind.
December 2, 2019
The learning lab here at NC is full of opportunity and second chances for students who fall behind. Students may fall behind due to making bad decisions, but there are some cases where a kid just falls behind because maybe they went on vacation, were sick a lot, or due to other factors outside of their control. Whatever the case, the learning lab helps kids recover credits that are starting to fail and be ineligible for activities here at NC.
The teachers at the learning lab really care about students’ well being; they see a kid struggling and find a way to prepare them to be successful through schedule changes and other means. Students that are in learning lab usually recover every credit they need or at least get close. There have only been a couple times where students couldn’t finish everything they needed to.
The work is exactly what other students learn in class just in more of an independent format. It can be really helpful for kids to have one on one help. There are usually two teachers in there at all times: Mr. Trout and Mr. Washington. Trout and Washington are very educated on many subjects and know how to get kids to work. Trout, a teacher for 30+ years, substituted for a couple of days when the previous teacher was gone. Mrs. Harris started talking about a long term job and Trout jumped at the new opportunity.
The learning lab isn’t just different for the kids, it is also a change for the teachers. In the learning lab, teachers get to really get into detail on topics with one on one interactions instead of just briefly going over subjects. Students really like this also as they get to obtain more information about subjects.
Sometimes, other teachers like to spend time in the learning lab during their planning periods just in case students need help. Students work on A+, an online educational system, to complete courses and recover credits. The learning lab can be the determining factor of whether a student graduates or not; if students jump at the opportunity and use time given wisely they will succeed.
The goal at NC is for every student to succeed. Most kids ends up in the learning lab due to counselors noticing when they get off track. After initially noticing a student is struggling, counselors then have a conversation with that student on what they can do to be successful. Sometimes their best option is the learning lab. At NC everyone has the chance to catch up if they are willing to put the work in.